
Toddler Classroom – (Ages 2 and 3)

The children learn to identify colors and shapes, numbers 1 through 10, touch and count objects 1 to 10, copy color patterns and understand different sizes. The toddlers will have a “hands-on” approach to magnets, the four seasons and how they change, healthy habits and safety rules, insects, animals and plants. The class will focus on an introduction to letters, vocabulary, stories and characters, name recognition and matching. In their classroom, they will learn to follow directions, make transitions, manners and social skills, conflict management and verbal skills. They will use glue, paint, watercolors and chalk, and develop fine motor skills using play dough, beads and puzzles.

Pre Kindergarten Classroom 1 – (Age 4)

In addition to building on the skills learned in the Toddler class, the children will learn to recognize the numbers 1 through 20, and learn to match shapes and colors in patterns. The class will study the weather, insects and animals, seeds, our earth, bubbles and the ocean. They will be introduced to the alphabet and learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet by name. Individual letter sounds will be taught as phonics is incorporated into their circle time. Correct pencil grip will be taught as they are introduced to writing their names, as well as the letters of the alphabet and numbers. They will enjoy daily story time and movement through music, learn to follow directions and transition from free choice activities to centers and teacher directed activities.

Pre Kindergarten Classroom 2 – (Age 5)

The emphasis for the children in our Pre-K 2 class will be to master the skills necessary for kindergarten. This will require further work on the skills learned in the Pre-K 1 class, such as the correct formation of letters. They will also learn the five vowels including the long and short sounds of each vowel, and practice the consonant sounds. They will be able to recognize the uppercase and lowercase alphabet and the phonetic sounds of all the letters.

They will be able to recognize words that rhyme, follow three-step directions and use positional words such as “in, on, behind,” etc. They will be able to state their full name, recognize and write their first name and state the letters that spell their name. They will be able to recognize random numbers to 20, rote count to 30 and count up to 50 objects correctly.

Circle time will focus on listening, following directions, staying on topic when speaking and being kind to others. Kindergarten Readiness Assessments are done in May.